Saturday, 28 September 2013

Bread Alone

People shun religious concepts. In the beginning of modern classical economic theory, morality was the foundation of economic edict. Economics and morality are two sides of the same coin. Economics came from the study of moral economy.

Here in Zimbabwe corruption rules. Being corrupt, and or corrupted, is indicative of immorality. The indispensable correlation between economy and moral state works both ways. Morality facilitates honesty in government and business, inducing a better economy.

You cannot live on bread alone. The economy cannot function well with just farms, machines, workers, factories and inputs. Human character defines the nature of outputs. Criminal tendencies in state and wider society diminish wealth created.

Morality has infinite degrees. Immorality also has its different levels. When the politician, and or businessman, sends stolen/swindled money abroad the economy contracts. This is the worst sort of corruption as it destroys jobs and future productivity. A lesser corrupt individual might keep money within and use it for productive purposes, this is not as bad. Money can be sent abroad through tax havens or the purchase of expensive imported luxury items. At another degree; when proceeds of corruption fuel speculation in financial assets, and or property, this is worse than using proceeds to create jobs and a sustainable economy.