Politicians will continue to make promises heading into electoral season. The focus of the election is the economy. Given real unemployment hovers above 90% and poverty is rife, Zimbabweans obviously deserve inprovements in livelihood.
These elections will have violent incidents and party infighting will be evident. Zimbabwe's poverty levels make politics the easier route to subsistence and riches-this desperation is the fuel for electoral violence.
One party will argue indigenisation is the policy that will benefit the masses. This is just empty posturing as indigenisation will only benefit the politically connected.
The othe main party will argue it has an economic plan that will attract investment and increase employment. More wishful rhetoric, as the Global economy reamins mired in recession. Europe needs over $60 Trillion(USA Dollars-not defunct Zim Dollars) to support it's financial system.The USA also needs Trillions to fund its Federal expenditure. Zimbabwe, on the other hand, remains one of the least attractive places to invest and this will not change within one election cycle.
Whichever way the elections go, right through the next four years, unemployment will hover around 90% and the majority will still lack opportunity.
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