Sunday 26 May 2013

Feeding The Nation

Luke 9-Christ Jesus feeding 5000
Zimbabwe has food shortages. Luke 9, verse16, reports the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5000. It is possible to feed the multitudes with constrained supply.
Zimbabwe, however, does not have constrained resources. Land is plentiful and in most of years water flows. In Luke, Jesus feeds the masses given his purity of heart and enlightened understanding with regards to heavenly supply.

Moses also  understood the laws of divine supply. To master supply, one has to realize resources are God given.

Just like Jesus, we all need to share with those genuinely in need.  The more genuine the sense of sharing, the more extensive our supply. Greed and selfishness, go hand in hand with shortages and lack. The resource globally lacking is genuine compassionate giving.  Giving that empowers and delivers sustainable growth strategies, between Zimbabweans, will uplift the nation. Self interest will not multiply Zimbabwe's wealth, working for win-win strategies will get us all closer to Christ Jesus. The genuine giving of one, supported by honest leadership and direction at every point, will feed the many.

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