Economic growth is a dynamic process. Growth depends on: the willingness of firms to invest, banks credit creation capacities and government efficiency ensuring macro-economic stability. The Central Bank is the government supervised bank that ensures private banks treat customers fairly and work honestly. Backed by government, all the time, the Central Bank holds reserves and bills as assets.
When government fails completely, macro-economic instability becomes rampant. This lowers investor confidence and firms stop investing. When firms stop investing, long term cash flow is compromised and banks become less willing to lend worsening a crisis.
To counter such an occurrence, government needs to engage economic actors as partners and develop policy that benefits the trinity. The goal is win-win-win. Firms want profit, government needs tax revenue from these profits and banks see asset growth as firms stay profitable.When all is going well the Central Bank also gets higher reserves from banks and bills are honoured.
No part of the trinity is more important than the other. If one part of the triune collapses, the other two can provide support. If all parts collapse, they need to sit down and work out how to get into business. All this requires compromise and remembering the principle of economic unity:an economy works well, when all actors contribute to growth and development.