Friday 3 January 2014

New Year Old Problems

2014 is already witnessing an increase in national challenges.  Zimbabwe’s shaky banking system and the absence of a national currency are the least of the people’s struggles.

40 years ago, Zimbabwean shops stocked over 80% made in Zimbabwe goods. Today, the trend is reversed with less than 20% made in Zimbabwe sold and stocked. Without exports to match this influx of foreign goodies, poverty and deficits will continue their upward march.

Zimbabwe’s leaders agree things cannot go on like this. However, policy from central government is not addressing the main causes of Zimbabwe’s economic demise. The current budget, Zim Asset and all the paraphernalia of a state propaganda machine are actually multiplying the national crisis. They will be no economic progress in 2014; and the hope remains that by 2020 a more honest government will start delivering credible policy.

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