Sunday 31 March 2013

Economic Resurrection

Christ Jesus told his followers the only miracle they were going to see was the 'sign of Jonah'. Rising from the point of death is desperately needed by Zimbabwe's economy which last saw real success, over 500 years ago, as Great Zimbabwe.
Realizing its potential will not be easy. Firstly, the country needs to resurrect its industrial sector. This is the key to any real progress. Just like other successful industrial nations Zimbabwe will need to produce, produce, produce. Currently the country imports and consumes in a cyclical pattern This consume-consume culture is not sustainable. Zimbabwe has become a major international force as it exports labour directly through emigrations, on top of this, jobs are exported abroad by importing goods from abroad.
To resurrect sustainable productivity, Zimbabwe needs to process its minerals and agricultural produce. Taking this further, more value has to be added in all productive activity. Only when Zimbabwe cuts imports, and starts producing mechanical goods locally, can it say it has taken the first step to resurrecting Great Zimbabwe productivity levels.

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