Friday 8 March 2013

Goodbye Chavez

Economics has no power without political clout and visa-versa. Hugo Chavez used the country's vast oil resources to support the housing, education and living standards of the poor. Chavez was inspired by Castro and Che.
Washington Consensus sponsored dictatorships had for years caused immense suffering in South America. Chavez created a new welfarist platform that has transformed the continent. Even Hugo's enemies admit he had a genuine desire to uplift the poor who are the vast majority in Venezuela. Mainstream economists admit poverty was halved, for the poor, in Chavez's 14 years in power. Detested by the United States- which tried to assassinate him but failed, due to the support Chavez has from the army and the people- Chavez brought about a new South American economic vision. His legacy is economics that practically uplifts the suffering majority.
Goodbye Chavez. Viva Chavez!

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