Monday 22 April 2013

Development Potential

Zimbabwe's economy has developmental potential. To realize its capacity the state has to encourage manufacture, rebuild the infrastructure and facilitate Zimbabwean enterprise.

  Zimbabwe has resources. Zimbabweans, at home and abroad, have developed a diversity of core skills. Land, minerals, water and other natural resources are in  sustainable viability. They is spare capacity to build markets, industry and essential manufacturing.

Immense challenges confound Zimbabwe. Debt dependency is the biggest impediment to progress. According to the IMF and other commentators if aid or grant flows stopped, Zimbabwe would virtually collapse.

Having no financial resources creates creates a developmental cul-de-sac. Government has failed to deliver sustainable development, as it has become forced into continual short-term budget balancing. To realize manufacturing and real economic growth, debt has to be overcome. Debt addiction and dependency have halted real economic progress.

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