Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Economics of Transition

Zimbabwe is in crisis. The elections keep throwing up false hope for Zimbabweans.
After every soap-opera election citizens realize ' they is no such thing as a national economy. Neo-colonialism is real'. African greats, from Nkrumah to Nyerere, learnt foreign financial markets hold sway over local development. Zimbabwe's history demonstrates a  legacy of dependence on foreign  debt markets.
Inspired economic historians, like Ibbo Mandaza, dissected the Zimbabwe economy,  post independence. Some honest politicians lived in accord with the Leadership Code(1985); which was an attempt, by ZANU PF,  to build morality and non-corruption among its ranks. All the good presented by scholars, and honest thinkers, was not accepted by greedy government leaders. Instead, foreign influences corrupted decision makers. Policy was built upon preserving old colonial wealth, so as to extract it one day. No creative decisions were implemented, so as  to build for tomorrow.
To realize transition, Zimbabwe needs to move away from its historical aid dependence.

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