Friday 26 July 2013

Zimbabwe Elections

Zimbabwe elections are around the corner. Scholars have advanced interesting theories on the Zimbabwe situation. A coalition remains the least likely outcome of this election.

Zanu owns the police, army and courts. Everything will be done to ensure they is no outright MDC T win. They will be rigging-this is obvious, MDC T has to overcome the rigged votes.

To rule Zimbabwe, after elections, it is back to Zanu. All contending parties suffer from factionalism. However, to rule fairly, whoever wins the majority needs to court ideas from other parties. MDC T could never rule without control of the army, police, courts and without diamond revenues. Zanu cannot rule effectively without dealing with corruption. Zanu needs MDC's anti-corruption strategies. MDC needs Zanu's resources. The two failed in coalition, hopefully positives come out of this acrimonious divorce.

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