Sunday 4 August 2013

Counting The Cost

Development has a price. Luke 14:28, tells the parable of a builder wanting to construct a tower, before starting the project the contractor ensures all costs and contingencies are taken into consideration.

What is the price of dictatorsip? Underdevelopment is one and poverty is another. Talk of a returning Zimbabwe dollar is being encouraged in nationalist circles. This will only signal the return of inflation.

Dictatorship stifles the majority. Ideas are muzzled and one party cannot encourage diverse ideas. Zimbabwe has no industry, this is the nation's Achilles's heel. Bringing back the Zim dollar, without productive capacity to boot, will push the country ten years back. Indigenisation of the service industry, foreign banks being the main target, will initiate the final collapse of Zimbabwe's economy. When banking indigenisation is completed, be warned, The Zim dollar, with many zeroes, is coming back.

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