Sunday 24 November 2013

Missing link

General Park-Economic Leader
Robert Mugabe has met his match. Politically he has a knack to survive. Zimbabwe right now needs someone to direct and lead the economy into the modern age. After over three decades, Robert Mugabe has failed to deliver on every economic promise.

Zimbabwe has a lot of academically trained  people. This is a hindrance, as it lacks practical leadership in government and industry. South Korea got out of its economic hell hole, through practical men like General Park who fought through economic challenge. General Park did not need MBA's and degrees to deliver. What drove him was purpose and a deep desire to get his country out of poverty.

Zimbabwe has to be honest. Propaganda peddled by The Herald  ensures failed administrators stay in control of a failed economic system. Tightly controlling the economy, as government is doing now, but driving it into permanent recession is the ultimate form of misgovernance. Without a free press to effectively educate  'educated' Zimbabweans, this country remains in crisis. The Herald will not call out the missing link to Zimbabwe's development. Right now, Zimbabwe calls out for economic leadership.

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