Sunday 1 December 2013

Competitive Disadvantages

To say business is struggling is  understatement. Firms are shutting down and industry, like the dinosaur, is virtually extinct. It started with disappearing factories, that was late 70's; followed by heavy industry taking a bashing in the 80's, now even retailers are having the fates conspiring against them.

Power cuts, water shortages, exorbitant interest and a lack of funding have been haunting industry since the 1990's. No MBA, and or Msc, in Disaster Recovery can prepare those courageous enough to start formal enterprise in Zimbabwe. The executioner wields the noose of  bureaucracy, legislation and corruption for those with the intelligence to circumvent shortages of resourcing.

Zimbabweans are not moaners, but things aren't right. We still have those working for struggling organizations months on end without pay. We salute and respect all these hard working Zimbabweans. Also, we salute those traders and enterprises, in Zimbabwe, fighting against all odds. Lest I forget, lets salute Gideon Gono, he tried and tried-with dignity he resigned; if only others could let go of power and give  Zimbabwe a chance.

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