Monday 23 December 2013

Promising Zimbabwe Economic Budget

Zimbabwe's budget looks promising. It remains the only credible economic planning tool: as it changes tariffs and indicates sectors of the economy favoured for growth by the state. This budget is linked to Zim Asset and takes some stakeholder views into consideration.

Zim government will have a budget of US$4 Billion, out of a GDP of US$15 Billion. In terms of resourcing, this budget shows how the Zim economy is heavilly reliant on the centralised role of the government. Of all the risks indentified in the budget, a risk of  government again failing to deliver is not identified. Markets have no faith in Zimbabwe, as the result of the state itself and its past repeated economic fumbles.

The budget is a sincerely written document, full of commendable aspiration. If the government again fails to deliver, its side of the bargain, Zimbabwe will return to full on economic crisis. Zim Asset seems to be the only tool in this budget; Zim Asset on the other hand will not solve the crisis if bureaucracy, corruption and a lack of transparency re-haunt Zim plc in 2014. The articulate Minister has a battle on his hands, as even he fights to demonstrate his credibility.

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